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Musical Mélange 7:30pm
Mozart - Quartet in C Major k.285b
1. Allegro
2. Andantino
3. Allegro
Beethoven Quartet Op.18 No.1
1. Allegro con Brio
2. Adagio Appassionato
3. Scherzo
4. Allegro
- Intermission -
Violin & Cello - Scottish Tunes
Dvorak - Quartet No.12 - Lento
Rolla - Viola & Violin Duet Op.13
1. Andantino
2. Allegretto
Halvorsen - Passacaglia for
Violin and Cello
Heyde Center Concert
Chippewa Falls
Tuesday July 30th
$12/11 for Adults/Seniors
Free for those under 18
Click here for Tickets
or Available at the Door
Ryan Poquette - Violin
Ben Cheney - Violin
Carol Noreen - Violin
Kirsti Petraborg - Viola
Susan Halderman - Cello

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